Sousefest '09 - "Pickled" is the right word...

Witness the adventures of the CLQ+TheLush (and a bunch of other crazy characters)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's almost time!

It seems like we've been counting down the months for... well... MONTHS!

But, suddenly, the time has come and we're all about to board our planes, climb into our cars, or get off the cruise ship in order to join up together at Walt Disney World for the annual part-ay.

Although not an official MouseFest this year, the "December Gathering" looks to be a great deal of fun. What with the fact that many of us have shucked our responsibilities, jobs, husbands, wives, kids, pets, and senses to congregate at The Happiest Place on Earth.

I fully expect there will be quite a few Frosty Adult Beverages (FABs), baaaaad photographs, "naughty bit" sightings (Donald!), and grumblings about bagpipers who've lost their sheet music.

There will also be deeelicious dining experiences, PassPorter meets, grueling quests and lounge crawls.

Come along and join in the fun... we'll be sending "love" updates from the parks and resorts.

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